CACV Membership Dues: Individual

Membership Benefits & Dues

The Cancer Action Coalition of Virginia (CACV) is a community of individuals and organizations working together to reduce the burden of cancer in Virginia.  Membership in CACV is open to anyone interested in cancer control in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

By joining CACV, you become part of a group of dedicated individuals and organizations that are committed to fostering communication, collaboration, and community awareness to meet the multi-faceted needs of persons living with cancer. 

We cannot do this alone.  Together our impact to improve the health and well-being of all Virginians is greater.  Join the Cancer Action Coalition of Virginia today!

Benefits of Membership

  • Access to a diverse network of cancer-focused colleagues from across Virginia
  • Opportunity to shape the priorities of cancer control in Virginia
  • Participation in CACV priority workgroups and taskforces
  • Invitation to quarterly meetings with presentations on key issues relating to cancer control
  • Discounted fees to CACV sponsored events like the Virginia Cancer Conference
  • Regular updates and communication on cancer control activities including CACV’s monthly newsletter
  • Ability to promote organizational news or events in the monthly newsletter
  • Access to information, state and national resources, and professional development opportunities that will help lead to success in your work

Types of Membership

Membership dues are on an annual basis each calendar year.

Individual: $25 annually

Student: $15 annually

Student members are anyone studying at a school, college or university from high school to post-doctoral level.

If you are interested in a group membership, please go to: CACV GROUP MEMBERSHIP

Questions? Contact us at  Thank you for your interest in joining CACV!


Member Information

Membership Skills & Interests

What skills do you bring to CACV?
If interested in joining a priority task force, please check one of the options below.
What parts of the State Cancer Plan do you most closely align to?
Would you like to volunteer to serve on a CACV committee? We can use your help! Please check all that you are interested in and a CACV representative will contact you with additional details.
We like to invite our members to present on how they are aligning their activities with the State Cancer Plan. Would you like to present at one of our quarterly meetings?

Membership Dues

Please select membership. *
Would you like to make a donation to support CACV's mission and work?

Billing Address

Billing Address is same as Member Address
Payment Method Preference *