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Leadership Lab 1: Collaborating With Your Board Application Form

We are pleased you’ve decided to apply for our pilot Leadership Lab Program.  For details on the program and our FAQ, please visit our website.

This form has four parts and should take about 10 minutes to complete. If you need to save your progress and return to this form later, click the Save Progress button at the bottom of each page in order to create a login.  

In addition to this application form, please follow this link to complete your one-way video interview. Both this form and the video interview must be completed by 11 pm Eastern on September 20, 2024. The video interview will ask: 

  • Why is Leadership Lab: Collaborating With Your Board the right program for you at this time in your leadership?
  • What do you need from fellow cohort members, and what do you bring to the Leadership Lab cohort learning experience?
  • Choose one of the following:
    • What are the current strengths of the staff-board partnership at your organization?
    • What projects do you want to explore for your culminating Action Plan?
    • What is a current change that you’re navigating with your board, and how will Leadership Lab support your efforts?

Please note: Once you’ve submitted your application, you will not be able to make any changes to your form or video submission. To make the selection committee aware of a material change after you’ve submitted your application, contact Leading Edge via: leadprograms@leadingedge.org 

We are excited to learn more about you through your application. We will be in touch regarding the status of your application by early October. If at any time you have questions about the Leadership Lab Program or the application process or have accessibility needs, please contact Leading Edge via: leadprograms@leadingedge.org 

Save & Return

Click here to log in if you've already created an account to save a form to return to. (Optional)

Personal Information

Please share your name as you would like us to address you. It does not have to be your full legal name. If accepted, you will get a chance later to share how you would like your name written in press materials, including titles.  
The Leadership Lab is not a training certification program but, rather, will focus on leadership, collaboration, and change management. We know how important the relationship between a senior staff member and a CEO/Executive Director is to an organization. One of the goals of the Leadership Lab is to positively contribute to the strength of that relationship. 
If you are not the CEO/Executive Director of your organization, they will receive an email from Leading Edge asking for their endorsement of your Leadership Lab application. 
Current role / title *
We ask about identity and demographics below because we want our programs to serve the diversity of the sector. You may select “prefer not to say” for any identity question and will not be disqualified for any answers or lack thereof. ​​Data will be stored according to our Privacy Policy. ​​​ 
I identify as (Check all that apply): *
I identify as (Check all that apply): *
How did you hear about Leadership Lab? *

Organizational Information

Is this your first time in a professional role with significant board collaboration responsibility? *

Professional Development, Honors, and Awards

Have you participated in a Leading Edge program before? *
Do you have a current relationship with an executive coach with whom you meet regularly? *

Requirements for Participating Organizations

Participating organizations must demonstrate a commitment to the Leadership Lab program. By submitting your application, you are affirming that you and your organization agree to the terms below: 

1. You will prioritize attending virtual gatherings, small group meetings, and executive coaching sessions as an essential component of your leadership development.

2. You agree to Leading Edge’s Community Agreement and will adhere to Leading Edge’s Gathering Norms. This will help create an atmosphere of learning, growth, and respect in our shared space.

3. Your supervisor, board, partners, and staff are in support of your Leadership Lab participation.

4. Your organization agrees to pay the $1,000 fee for program participation.

If cost presents a concern for your organization, select the option below to speak about a fee subsidy with a Leading Edge staff member if selected.
By selecting I AGREE below, I acknowledge that I have read and understood the participation requirements above and that my organization is fully aware of these terms. *
I have read the Gathering Norms and will follow them in Leading Edge spaces. *
I have read and signed the Community Agreement by going to the link and applying my digital signature. *

One-Way Video Interview Questions

In addition to this application form, please follow this link to complete your one-way video interview. Both this form and the video interview must be completed by 11 pm eastern on September 20, 2024. The video interview will ask: 

  • Why is Leadership Lab: Collaborating With Your Board the right program for you at this time in your leadership?
  • What do you need from fellow cohort members, and what do you bring to the Leadership Lab cohort learning experience?
  • Choose one of the following:
    • What are the current strengths of the staff-board partnership at your organization?
    • What projects do you want to explore for your culminating Action Plan?
    • What is a current change that you’re navigating with your board, and how will Leadership Lab support your efforts?

Please click the Submit button below in order to submit your application