ORCA Juvenile Golf Cart Operator Permit/License Application
Date of Test 2:
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Learner’s Permit Requirements:
Must be at least
4’9” tall
Must be at least
10 years old
Must pass written test
Submit to a practice driving test for proficiency
Be a homeowner or Club member, or child, grandchild or other family member of a homeowner or member
Children of guests are not permitted to be licensed, therefore are not able to drive unless they possess a valid state issued driver’s license.
Drivers operating a golf cart with a learner’s permit are subject to the following provisions:
May only drive when accompanied by a licensed adult
at least 18 years old
May only drive a “slow” cart
(maximum speed of 17 mph)
May drive only during
daylight hours
While driving, the ORCA Public Safety Golf Cart Permit must be worn with the provided yellow lanyard
An indemnification Agreement must be signed by the parent/relative.
Golf Cart License Requirements:
Must be at least
12 years old
Must be at least
4’9” tall
Must have held a learner’s permit for
at least 12 months
Pass a driving test conducted by a trained and approved Public Safety Officer
Be a homeowner or Club member, or a child or grandchild or other family member of a homeowner or member
Drivers operating a golf cart with a license are subject to the following provisions:
May only drive a “slow” cart
(maximum speed of 17 mph)
While driving, the license must be worn with the provided lanyard
May only drive during
daylight hours
An Indemnification Agreement must be signed by the parent/relative
revised 12-6-21
*New Rule for 2023: Juveniles are not permitted to drive 6-seat carts.*
I have read and understand the above.