2023-2024 County Agricultural Literacy
Due October 31,2024
Wisconsin Agriculture in the Classroom is excited to celebrate and wind down the 2023-2024 school year.  Each year, Wisconsin Agriculture in the Classroom asks county leaders to share their local program information - including impact, budget, volunteers and other tactical information. This information helps Wisconsin Agriculture in the Classroom to share collective, state-wide program reach with program sponsors, as well as plan future trainings and resources for county programs. 
Please complete the following questions to the best of your ability regarding your county's Agriculture in the Classroom activities that occurred *July 1, 2023-September 30, 2024. 
*The award reporting has been moved to align with the WFBF membership and fiscal year.  This move will allow financial data to align with volunteer and program data.
Nomination forms for the Agriculture Literacy Leader Award are included with this Year-in-Review form.  To learn more about these programs, visit the Awards page at wisagclassroom.org
Reports are due October 31, 2024. 
All counties who submit the requested information by October 31, will receive a special thank you gift.
Please reach out to Beth Schaefer, bschaefer@wfbf.com, with any questions. 

County Agriculture in the Classroom Information

Is the county Agriculture in the Classroom Chair a designated board of director position on your County Farm Bureau Board of Directors? *

County Committee Information

Please answer the questions to the best of you knowledge and memory.
Does your county have an Agriculture in the Classroom committee? *

County Program Impact

Please answer the following questions as best as you can. Reach out to Beth Schaefer, bschaefer@wfbf.com, with any questions and/or clarifications - your feedback helps us provide clearer, more concise report questions.

Teacher Outreach Impact

Did your county host any IN-PERSON TEACHER trainings, tours, or experiences? In-Person teacher outreach includes any type of meeting, training, or workshop you met with teachers and were physically in-person. *
How many teachers did you impact via in-person and for how long? Please write the number of teachers for each length of workshop or contact time.  For example, if you spent .5 hours with 4 teachers talking about the essay contest, you should include a "4" in the 0-.5 hours category.
 ElementaryMiddleHigh School
.5 - 2 hours
2-3 hours
4-5 hours
6-8 hours
9+ hours
Did your county host any IN-PERSON PRE- SERVICE TEACHER trainings, tours, or experiences? (Pre-Service refers to teachers who are student-teaching or still in college for education/teaching) *
How many pre-service teachers did you impact in-person and for how long? Please write the number of teachers for each length of workshop or contact time.  For example, if you spent .5 hours with 4 teachers talking about the essay contest, you should include a "4" in the 0-.5 hours category.
 ElementaryMiddleHigh School
.5 - 2 hours
2-3 hours
4-5 hours
6-8 hours
9+ hours
Did your county host any VIRTUAL TEACHER trainings, tours, or meetings? Examples may include holding Google Hangout/Zoom or Teams meetings with a teacher(s), providing a teacher-specific virtual tour, etc. *
How many teachers did you impact virtually and for how long? Please write the number of teachers for each length of workshop or contact time.  For example, if you spent .5 hours with 4 elementary teachers talking about the essay contest, you should include a "4" in the 0-.5 hours "Elementary" column.
 ElementaryMiddleHigh School
.5 - 2 hours
2-3 hours
4-5 hours
6-8 hours
9+ hours
Did your county host any VIRTUAL PRE SERVICE TEACHER trainings, tours, or experiences? (Pre-Service refers to teachers who are student-teaching or still in college for education/teaching) *
How many pre-service teachers did you impact virtually and for how long? Please write the number of teachers for each length of workshop or contact time.  For example, if you spent .5 hours with 4 elementary teachers talking about the essay contest, you should include a "4" in the 0-.5 hours "Elementary" column.
 ElementaryMiddleHigh School
.5 - 2 hours
2-3 hours
4-5 hours
6-8 hours
9+ hours
Did your county provide funding for teacher trainings, conferences or workshops NOT put on by your county AITC committee? *

Student Outreach Impact

Did your county host or participate in any IN-PERSON STUDENT focused programs such as classroom visits, farm tours, or career fairs? *
How many students did you impact through IN-PERSON PROGRAM and for how long? Please write the number of students for each length of workshop or contact time.  For example, if you spent 1 hour with 30 elementary students, you should include a "30" in the 0-.5 hours "Elementary" column.
 ElementaryMiddleHigh School
.5 - 2 hours
2-3 hours
4-5 hours
6-8 hours
9+ hours
Did your county host or participate in any VIRTUAL STUDENT focused programs such as a virtual classroom visits, virtual farm tours, etc.? *
How many students did you impact through VIRTUAL PROGRAMS and for how long? Please write the number of students for each length of event/program or contact time.  For example, if you spent 1 hour with 30 elementary students, you should include a "30" in the 0-.5 hours "Elementary" column.
 ElementaryMiddleHigh School
.5 - 1 hours
2-3 hours
4-5 hours
6-8 hours
9+ hours

Resource & Materials Impact

Did you provide materials from WI Ag in the Classroom? Examples include books, ag mags, Business Called Agriculture/Exploring Wisconsin Agriculture, AgBadging Field Guides *
List the number of students and teachers who received these resources.
 Number of StudentsNumber of Teachers
Lower Elementary (Grades PK-2)
Upper Elementary (Grades 3-5)
Middle (Grades 6-8)
High School (Grades 9-12)

Collaboration and Additional Feedback

List any other organizations your county partnered with to deliver Agriculture in the Classroom programs.
Wisconsin Agriculture in the Classroom 2022-23 Year-in-Review Report