Magic Vacations Quote Request Form

Use this form to request a FREE, no-obligation quote from a Magic Vacations Planner (MVP).
Please allow 24 hours for a response.

What's your vacation status?

I am... *

Lead Guest Information

I would like to work with a specific Magic Vacations Planner. *

Tell us where you'd like to go!

My desired vacation destination is: *

Tell us about who's coming!

Tell us about your budget!

My budget, not including airfare and souvenirs, is roughly: *

Go to the submit button!

For destinations beyond the Walt Disney World® Resort, Disneyland® Resort, and Disney Cruise Line, one of our Magic Vacations Planners will be in touch with you quickly to get started on helping you plan your Magic Vacation!

Desired Resort Stay


When and where would you like to sail?

Room Preference *
Please be advised that not all itinerary lengths are available from all ports of departure or at all times of year. Certain specialty itineraries are only available at certain times or during certain seasons.
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