Welcome to Motl Accounting!

We are excited to be bringing you on board with our firm!
In order to get your account up and running as efficiently as possible, we are requesting the following documents to be uploaded to our portal with your New Client Questionnaire.
Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. We look forward to working with you! 
Last completed corporate tax return
Last completed personal tax returns for all owners
Last financial statement
Last bank reconciliation
Year to date payroll reports and quarterly returns
Most recent fixed asset listing / depreciation schedule

Company Information

Business Mailing Address

Contact Information


Entity Information


Business Registrations

Banking Information

Please use the following section to enter information on any bank, credit card, or loan accounts associated with your business.
If you are currently using a personal account for business purposes, please include this information as well and enter the individual’s name under “Name of Depositor.”
This information will be used henceforth to gather the necessary documents in order to complete your monthly accounting in a timely manner.
This information will never be released outside of our firm, or used for any other purpose other than that expressly specified by Motl Accounting and agreed upon by the client

Banking Information 2

Banking Information 3

Banking Information 4

Owner Information


Owner Information 2


Owner Information 3


Owner Information 4


Current Accounting Process

Please choose how you've reported your information to your accountant?
When were the following items last filed or prepared?
0/255 characters
Which of the following reasons are these sales non-taxable?
0/255 characters
In which states / counties do you sell products & also have a physical location? Please list below with each State and County on a seperate line. 
How do you currently track your sales & sales tax? *
If you have a My Tax Illinois account set up, please provide your login & password
Please provide your login & password for payroll report access
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