Certification of Assurances
Must be submitted with all grant applications.
Applicants for all grants are required to be non-profit Virginia corporations and exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(s), which includes the 501(c) 3 designation of the Internal Revenue Code.
Grant Limits
• All grants are based on the availability of funds. No grant funds are guaranteed to any organization.
• For organizations with an annual budget below $100,000, General Operating Grants are limited to 20% or less of the applicant’s eligible income for the previously completed fiscal year.
• For organizations with an annual budget of $100,000 or more, General Operating Grants are limited to 15% or less of the applicant’s eligible income for the previously completed fiscal year.
• New & Emerging Grant funding is a maximum of $1,000 for first time grantees.
Appeal Process
Applicants who believe their application for funding was rejected by the Grant Panel for any of the following three reasons may appeal to Prince William County for reconsideration:
1. The application was declined on the basis of review criteria other than those appearing in the guidelines;
2. The application was declined due to influence of the Prince William County Grant Panel members who willfully failed to disclose conflicts of interest; or
3. The application was denied because erroneous information was provided by the Arts Recreation Specialist or Grant Panel members at the time of review, despite the fact that the applicant provided accurate and complete information as part of the standard application process. Incomplete applications are specifically denied any appeals process.
Dissatisfaction with the denial of an award or the amount of a grant award is not grounds for an appeal. Request for appeals must be received, in writing, by the Arts Recreation Specialist within 14 days after your organization is notified about the Grant Panel’s funding recommendation. The request should be sent to the Arts Recreation Specialist; 14420 Bristow Rd., Manassas, VA 20112. The request should identify one or more of the three reasons for an appeal and outline the organization’s rebuttal of the Grant Panel’s recommendation. The written request represents the applicant’s sole means of presenting its position.
Grantees’ Requirements
• Provide accurate, current and complete financial records of each grant.
• Maintain records to identify the source and application of funds for grant-supported activities.
• Maintain accounting records which are supported by source documentation in accordance with standard bookkeeping procedures.
• Provide the Grant Panel, or its authorized representatives, access to grant-related financial records.
• Expend any and all grant funds only for purposes described in the application.
• Report any major change in location, activities, personnel or budget in writing to the Admin Support Coordinator within four (4) weeks of the change for approval.
• Final Reports. Submit to the Arts Recreation Specialist no later than February 1, 2022. Final Report Part I: a program narrative of grant supported activities to date, a list of intended activities for remaining grant cycle. Submit to the Arts Recreation Specialist no later than July 5, 2022. Final Report Part II: a financial report listing total income and total expenses that cover the grant cycle period (July 1, 2022–June 30, 2023), regardless of organization fiscal year. In addition, General Operating grantees with annual budgets over $250,000 are required to submit an opinioned, audited financial statement upon organization’s fiscal year-end.
A Final Report form is sent by the Arts Recreation Specialist with each grant award letter. It is the responsibility of the grantee to hold this form for completion until the end of the grant period. Submission of the final report and financial information is required in order to receive future grant funds.
• Acknowledgment. Organization website must contain the following phrase: “partial funding has been provided by the Prince William County.” Announcements regarding activities the grant should also acknowledge support of Prince William County. For all grant supported activities: in all published materials (printed programs, news releases, advertisements, flyers, etc.) should include the Prince William County Parks, Recreation & Tourism logo.
If contributors are acknowledged by categories of donations in program books, it is required to acknowledge the grant amount in the appropriate category from Prince William County.
Grantees will comply with these federal statutes and regulations:
• Title VI, Section 601, of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which provides that no person, on the ground of race, color or national origin, shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefit of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.
• Americans with Disabilities Act, which prohibits discrimination against persons with physical or mental disabilities in federally assisted programs. Compliance with this Act includes notifying employees and beneficiaries of the organization that it does not discriminate on the basis of handicap and operation of programs and activities which, when viewed in their entirely, are accessible to persons with disabilities.