Please TICK this Box if you understand and accept the Terms and Conditions of the Guarantee.
Your claim cannot be processed unless you accept the Terms and Conditions of this promotion.


Please TICK This Box to accept that you understand and agree that if you have a Valid Claim and the product is not located in the major metropolitan areas of Christchurch, Wellington, Dunedin, Auckland, Hamilton, Tauranga, Whangarei, Nelson and Rotorua you will be required to pay a collection charge prior to collection as per the terms and conditions of this promotion.


Your claim submission will be reviewed and you will be contacted to advise whether your claim has been deemed a valid claim under the terms and conditions of this promotion within 7 days. 

Please contact our Customer Care Department on 0800 692 356 if you have any questions.


*A valid claim is subject to the Terms and Conditions of the 60 Day Money Back Guarantee 2023 Registration Form.