SCIM 2024 Advanced Level 04
Student Application
22 Oct 2024 - 07 Nov 2024 (Phoenix Time)
23 Oct 2024 - 08 Nov 2024 (Beijing Time)


Dear applicant,

Before you apply to attend SCIM, make sure you read our FAQ page, we want you to have the best experience from the beginning, and this page covers everything you need to know about SCIM and our Academic Sessions.

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Thank you very much for your interest in SCIM 22 Oct - 07 Nov 2024 (Phoenix Time) 23 Oct - 08 Nov 2024 (Beijing Time), Advanced Level 04.
The standard daily schedule is from 4:00pm to 11pm (Phoenix Time) 7:00am to 2pm (Beijing Time) throughout the term, with 2 OFF days on Day 8 & 9 (Phoenix time  29 & 30 Oct 2024, Beijing time 30 & 31 Oct 2024). There are some days with additional classes that might end around 11.30pm (Phoenix Time) 2.30pm Beijing time.

We look forward to your application and getting to know you!

Please answer all the questions in ENGLISH as completely as possible. Failure to provide complete information may result in problems or delays with your application.  The information on this form will be kept strictly confidential except for approved internal use by SCIM/DCI Global staff, administrators, and health professionals.

Please complete this application in English only. Other languages will be rejected. 请仅用英文填写此申请表。其他语言将被拒绝。

We will be offering limited Mandarin / Vietnamese / Russian tracks for people who don't speak English at all.

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