Request to Appear Before Council   
  The Corporation of the Town of Pelham
20 Pelham Town Square. Fonthill, ON L0S 1E0 Tel. (905) 892-2607 Fax (905) 892-5055
The Council Chambers is equipped with a laptop and projector. Please check your audio/visual needs *

In accordance with the Town of Pelham Procedure By-law, delegations may only address Council at a meeting with respect to matters that are on the agenda for that particular meeting. Delegations wishing to address Council on a matter not on the agenda are subject to extended notice requirements. On matters clearly beyond Council’s jurisdiction, delegations will be directed by the Clerk to the most appropriate authority.

When called upon by the Mayor or Chair, the deputation (speaker) should proceed immediately to the podium in the Council Chambers.

Speakers are asked to keep their remarks as brief as reasonably possible. Comments when stated in a clear, concise and factual manner are very much appreciated. The maximum allowable time is 10 minutes.

In order to reduce the possibility of any misunderstanding and to facilitate necessary follow-up, the Clerk shall be provided with a written copy of the presentation, which will become part of the official corporate records. Unless indicated otherwise, personal information and all written submissions will become part of the public record and may be publicly released. If you intend to read from a prepared text, a copy of this text must be filed with the Clerk with your original request to appear as a delegation. If additional information is to be provided at the meeting, 15 copies shall be supplied to the Clerk prior to the meeting start time for circulation. Failure to comply with these provisions may result in a deferral of the presentation or a denial.

Discussion topics, other than the subject matter of the written request to appear as a deputation, will not be permitted. Further, subsequent deputations on the same topic, without significant new information, will not be permitted.

Persons addressing Council shall confine their remarks to the business stated in their written request to be heard, and such shall be presented in a respectful and temperate manner, and their conduct shall be governed by the provisions set out in the Procedure By-law. A copy of the by-law may be obtained from the Clerk.

When a number of people are to appear representing one viewpoint or interest group, it is expected that the group be represented by a spokesperson, and/or submit written submissions.

Upon completion of his/her remarks, the speaker should remain in position to allow for any questions from Council members. Council members may ask questions for clarification purposes. Statements from Council members or debate on the issue are generally not permitted at this stage. After completion of any questions, the speaker will be asked to be seated. Council members may then enter into discussion. However, it is general practice to refer the matter to staff for a report and recommendation. Debate as required would take place after receiving the staff report.

Deputations will not be permitted on items that will be the subject to an upcoming public meeting pursuant to the Planning Act, unless exceptional circumstances apply, which have been reviewed and approved by Council. Persons should present their concerns and opinions at the scheduled public meeting where their comments can be considered along with all other submissions. Deputations or submissions to Council after the Public Meeting has been completed and before Council has made its determination will not be permitted.