STELLAR ENDURANCE Women's Group Tri Training 2019

7 weeks of coached group tri training, including a swim technique clinic, bike clinic, run form clinic and transition help. Past season Stellar Endurance tri kits and gently used tri kits are alvailable on a first come first serve basis. 
Training begins June 10  and ends July 27 . We will be training to participate in the Port Orange YMCA triathlon in VOLUSIA COUNTY!  (registration for the triathlon is not included but we will offer a 10% off discount code!)  Detailed training plan provided for those who can't attend group training sessions. Group support through private facebook group. 
Training Schedule locations and times:

Swim Sessions all take place TUESDAY at PORT ORANGE YMCA @ 5:15AM

Run Sessions take place on THURSDAY at ISLAND ROASTERS COFFEE at 5:00AM

OPEN WATER SWIM TBA Stayed tuned!!

Bike Sessions all take place at ROTARY PARK or COW CREEK SATURDAY or SUNDAY  


Athlete Information

Stellar Endurance Group Tri Training in affiliation with JAM FITNESS
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