New Member Registration

Choose a Program

Choose one *
(9 remaining) (0 remaining)

Intro Program

Intro Program * 🛈

Summer Special Offer

Summer Program (June, July, August): New students only * 🛈


Membership Type * 🛈
Membership Classes *


Choose uniform style * 🛈

Choose Program

Programs: *

Select Day / Time

Choose Day: *
Choose Time: *
Choose 2nd Day :
Choose Time:

Select Day / Time

Choose 1st Class (1st class is Free Trial):

Student Information

Martial Arts Experience *
Preferred way to contact *

Parent/Guardian Information

Release of Liability *
You may cancel this contract if you relocate your residence further than 25 miles from any school operated by Camp Carter International. This contract may also be cancelled in a case of death, or if the school ceases operation at the location where you entered into this contract.  If you become disabled, you shall have the option of (1) being relieved of liability for payment on that portion of the contract term for which you are disabled by paying a cancellation fee for an amount equal to 30% of the remaining contract, or (2) extending the duration of the original contract at no cost to you for a period equal to the duration of the disability.  You must prove such disability by a doctor’s certificate, which shall be enclosed with the written notice of disability sent to the school. 
Please sign *
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