Colorado Springs District 11 Articulation Request Form
Required to submit one articulation request per form.
School Year 20-21
School Year 21-22
School Year 22-23
School Year 23-24
School Year 24-25
Coronado High School
Doherty High School
Mitchell High School
Odyssey ECCO (Career Pathways)
Palmer High School
Tesla EOP
School Year 20-21
School Year 21-22
School Year 22-23
School Year 23-24
School Year 24-25
School Year 25-26
School Year 26-27
School Year 27-28
Freshman (9)
Sophomore (10)
Junior (11)
Senior (12)
Transition program
*No Longer a D11 student
District 11 Student ID#
2D Art & Design 1, 2 = PPSC MGD1034 Drawing for Illustrators (3)
Adobe Illustrator I, 2 = PPSC MGD 1012 Adobe Illustrator I (3)
Adobe InDesign = PPSC MGD 1014 Adobe InDesign (3)
Adobe Photoshop I, 2 = PPSC MGD 1011 Adobe Photoshop I (3)
Advanced Video Production 1 and 2 = PPSC RTV 2005 Advanced Video Production (3)
Architecture Drawing 1, 2 = PPSC CAD 1104 CAD for Architecture (3)
Architecture Drawing 3, 4 = PPSC AEC 1231 Residential Construction Drawing (4)
ASE Brakes = PPSC ASE 1010 Automotive Brake Service I (2)
ASE Electrical/Electric Systems = PPSC ASE 1020 Basic Automotive Electricity (2)
ASE Electrical/Electric Systems = PPSC ASE 1023 Starting & Charging Systems (2)
ASE Engine Performance = PPSC ASE 1030 General Engine Diagnosis (2)
ASE Suspension & Steering = ASE 1040 Suspension & Steering I (2)
ASE Drive Train & Axel Maint. = PPSC ASE 1050 Manual Drive Train & Axle Main (2)
ASE Auto Trans/Transaxle = PPSC ASE 2050 Auto Transmission / Transaxle Service (1)
ASE Auto Service Tech 1 or 2 = PPSC ASE 1002 Intro to Automotive Shop (2)
ASE Maint. & Light Repair 1 or 2 = PPSC ASE 1002 Intro to Automotive Shop (2)
Backcountry Cooking = PPSC OUT1050 Backcountry Cooking (1)
Backcountry Navigation = PPSC OUT1020 Backcountry Navigation(2)
Broadcast Video Production 1 and 2 = PPSC RTV1202 Television and Studio Production (3)
Business and Marketing Essentials 1 and 2 = PPSC BUS 1015 Introduction to Business (3)
Business and Marketing Essentials 1 and 2 = PPSC MAR 2016 Principles of Marketing (3)
Business Strategies = PPSC MAN 240 Strategic Management (3)
Catering 1, 2 = PPSC CUA 1054 Introduction to Business Catering (3)
Civil Engineering & Architecture 1, 2 = PPSC CAD 2220 Revit (3)
College Accounting 1 Honors = PPSC ACC 1001 Fundamentals of Accounting (3)
College Accounting 2 Honors = PPSC ACC 1025 Computerized Accounting (3)
Computer Applications = PPSC CIS 1018 Intro to PC applications (3)
Cyber Security 1 and 2 = PPSC CNG 1032 Network Security Fundamentals (3)
Cyber Security 3 and 4 = PPSC CNG 2057 Network Defense & Counter Measures (3)
Design & Color I = PPSC MGD 1009 Design and Color (3)
Design & Color II = PPSC MGD 1032 Design & Color II (3 credits)
Digital Audio & Music Prod 1, 2 = PPSC RTV 2003 Audio Mixing (3)
Digital Photography 1, 2 = PPSC PHO 1020 Fundamentals of Photography (3)
Digital Photography 3 Honors = PPSC PHO1020 Fundamentals of Photography (3)
Drawing for Illustrators = PPSC MGD 1034 PPCC Drawing for Illustrators (3)
Early Childhood Education 1011 = PPSC ECE 1011 Intro to Early Childhood Education (3)
Early Childhood Education 1045 = PPSC ECE 1045 Intro to Early Childhood Techniques (3)
ECE1031B GDNC Strat for Yng Chldn = PPSC ECE 1031: Guidance Strategies for Young Children (3)
Fundamentals of Photography 1, 2 = PPSC PHO1020 Fundamentals of Photography (3)
HBA/HBI Construction Technology 1, 2 = PPSC CAR 1001 Basic Safety (1)
HBA/HBI Construction Technology 1, 2 = PPSC CAR 1002 Hand and Power Tools (1)
HBA/HBI Construction Technology 1, 2 = PPSC CAR 1003 Carpentry Basics (4)
HBA/HBI Construction Technology 1, 2 = PPSC CAR 1005 Job Site Layout and Blueprint Reading (1)
I.T. Essentials 1 = PPSC CNG 1021 Computer Technician I: A+ (4)
I.T. Essentials 1 = PPSC CNG 1001 Networking Fundamentals I: A+ (3)
I.T. Essentials 2 = PPSC CNG 1022 Computer Technician II: A+ (4)
IBMYP Digital Photography Design 1, 2 = PPSC PHO1020 Fundamentals of Photography (3)
Intro to Enginieering Design 1H, 2H = PPSC CAD 1101 Computer Aided Drafting 1 (3)
Intro to Engineering Design 1H, 2H = PPSC CAD1102 Computer Aided Drafting II (3)
Junior Space Entrepreneurship = PPSC EGT 1110: Intro to Design & Engineering (3)
Leadership = PPSC MAN 2046 Critical Issues in Marketing & Management (3)
Marketing and Advertising 1, 2 = PPSC MAR 2016 Principles of Marketing (3)
Microsoft Office Specialist 1 (MOS1) = PPSC CIS 1018 Intoduction to PC Applications (3)
Network Essentials 1, 2 = PPSC CNG 1001 Networking Fundamentals
Personal Finance = PPSC FIN1060 Consumer Economics (3)
Principles of Business = PPSC BUS 1015 Introduction to Business (3)
Principles of Engineering 1H, 2H = PPSC EIC 2330 Instrument & Process Control (4)
Principles of Engineering 1H, 2H = PPSC ELT 1206 Fundamentals of DC/AC (4)
Principles of Finance = PPSC FIN 2010 Principles of Finance (3)
Principles of Management = PPSC MAN 2026 Principles of Management (3)
Principles of Marketing = PPSC MAR 2016 Principles of Marketing (3)
ProStart I and II = PPSC CUA 1000 Culinary Fundamentals (3)
ProStart III and IV = PPSC CUA 1025 Introduction to Foods (4)
Teacher Cadet IA = PPSC EDU 2215 Intro to Ed Techniques (1)
Teacher Cadet IB = PPSC EDU 221 Introduction to Education (3)
Video Production 1, 2 = PPSC RTV 1005 Basic Video Production (3)
Voc Tech Auto Tech 1 and 2* = PPSC ASE 1002 Intro to the Automotive Shop (2)
Voc Tech Auto Tech 1 and 2* = PPSC ASE 1010 Brakes I (2)
Voc Tech Auto Tech 1 and 2* = PPSC ASE 1020 Basic Automotive Electricity (2)
Voc Tech Auto Tech 1 and 2* = PPSC ASE 1023 Starting & Charging Systems (2)
Voc Tech Auto Tech 1 and 2* = PPSC ASE 1030 General Engine Diagnosis (2)
Voc Tech Auto Tech 1 and 2* = PPSC ASE 1040 Suspension & Steering I (2)
Voc Tech Auto Tech 1 and 2* = PPSC ASE 1050 Manual Drive Train & Axle Maintenance (2
Wealth Management = PPSC FIN 1060 Consumer Economics (3)
Web Design 1, 2 = PPSC MGD1041 Web Design (3)
Wilderness Ethics; Leave No Trace Trainer = PPSC OUT1200 Wilderness Ethics (2)
Articulation 1 Grade
Sig 1 Email
Signature 1
Request Teacher Signature
Teacher is No Longer in District
I Do Not Remember My Teacher's Name
Ager, Stephanie
Aragon, Andrea
Banfield, Angela
Bookout, Jack
Brandt, Cindy
Carnevale, Angela
Clayton, Keith
Coil, Jennifer
Cole, Bruce
Dimidik, Claudia
Flemr, Chris
Fletcher, Susan
Foos, Wendy
Friesema, Annie
Gay, Karen
George, Jenny
Green, Alexa
Gryboski, Doug
Hardy, Brittany
Holm, Rachel
Jacobson, Paul
Jarvis, Janny
Kasten, Joel
Lewis, John
Lovett, Donnie
Marynowski, Ed
McClain, Ladd
McGilvray, Kayla
McLean, Bryce
Neumeyer, Charmyn
Neumeyer, Jeff
Owino, James
Paez, Anthony
Peterschick, Annie
Philipsen, Tyler
Rather, Betsy
Seay, Craig
Schafer, Andrew
Steele, David
Truex, Adam (No Longer Active)
Wybrant, Sean
Yeh, Kyle