By signing this form and entering MY NAME in the required field above, I am admitting to be the LEGAL Next of Kin to the person listed above. I understand that I am waiving and surrendering my right to the Final Disposition of the person that I entered into the field listed as "Next of Kin to". Furthermore, I understand that I will no longer be able to obtain any information to this case. I understand that POA is no longer valid past Time of Death. By completing this form, I understand that providing False information and/or Falsely claiming I am the Legal Next Of Kin is Punishable by Law. I have researched CRS 15-19-106 and understand this statute. I am aware that this legal electronic form is tracked upon submission by IP address and date. I understand that submitting a falsified electronic document is a FEDERAL CRIME.
The information below is for the person releasing Liability or the person Signing this document. Without the complete information this form will not be accepted
Signature *