Thank you for your support and for your interest in the two books authored by our beloved Principal Emeritus, Rabbi Dr. David Eliach A"H.
The Ever Present Past: My Journey from Jerusalem to Flatbush, a memoir about growing up in Jerusalem in the 1920's.
Shurot is a beautiful collection of poem in the Hebrew language.
In addition to your purchase, we hope you will consider making a gift in support of the Yeshivah of Flatbush and in memory of Rabbi Eliach A"H. Funds raised will help the Yeshivah sustain the excellence in values-driven education, especially in chesed and Hebrew education, that is Rabbi Eliach's legacy and has enriched the lives of generations of students.
“Education is the only tool that, in its essence, was given to repair the world.”
-- Rabbi Dr. David Eliach A"H