Our House Culinary Internship 2025

Are you currently living in a Housing Program? *
Education (All applicants must have a completed a GED Program or have a High School Diploma)
 High School/GedUniversty/College UndergraduateTrade/Business or Correspondence School
Name and Location of School
Years Attended
Did you Graduate?
Years Completed

Employment History *
 Employer #1Employer #2Employer #3
Employer (Name of Organization)
Job Title/Duties
Starting Pay/Ending Pay
Dates you were employed:
Reason for Leaving
Demographic Information
 (Demograpic Information has no impact on program admittance or program status)
Primary Language
Refugee (Y/N)
Immigrant (Y/N)
Health Insurance (Y/N)
Yearly and Annual Income
Where do you typically access health services?
Homeless (Y/N)
References: Please provide names and contact information below for at least three people who are not relatives and able to make statements about your prior work experience. (Ex: work supervisor, teacher, co-worker, case manager) *
 Reference #1Reference #2Reference #2
Relationship (how do you know this person)
Phone Number
Email Address
Years you have known them
Technology *
Do you have access to the internet?
Do you have access to a computer?
Do you feel comfortable using Microsoft Word with out assistance?
Do you feel comfortable using the internet to do research?
Are you in need of any other services provided by Our House? Check any/all that apply below *
Participation in our culinary internship program is contingent upon the successful completion of a criminal background check. All applicants must consent to and pass this background check prior to acceptance into the program. Failure to meet this requirement may result in disqualification from participation. By signing below and submitting this application, you acknowledge and agree to undergo a background screening as part of the selection process. *