NEW Student Application for 2023
NOTE: This registration form is for new students who are applying for Summer or Fall 2023.
Registration for current students can be found HERE.

Student Information

Has your child been referred for special needs services (i.e. speech, behavioral, health, or developmental delays)? *
Potty Trained?
Must be potty trained if 3 years old+.  *
Does your child have any allergies? *
Is your child taking any medications? *

Registration Fees

Program Registration, Non-Refundable
Mark All That Apply *
Choose Your Campus *
ATTENTION: Summer registration is almost full. Please call the office, 626-963-8216, to check availability before making (and paying for) Summer selections. 
Choose Your SUMMER Schedule *
Choose Your SUMMER Plan *
Choose Your FALL Schedule *
Choose Your FALL Plan *
Current Total:

Parent/Guardian Information


Authorized Pickup (AP) Information


Financial Agreement

Please view the Financial Rate Sheet and sign below.
New rates take effect on March 31, 2023. 
I have read and fully understand the Financial Agreement Contract of Foothill Christian Preschool and will abide by the terms of the agreement. I will be responsible to meet my financial obligation to the preschool.

I understand that the monthly payments are due the 1st of each month. A late fee is applied after the 5th of every month.

I understand there is a two-week notice when withdrawing or changing schedule for my child.

I also understand that the registration fees I pay today are non-refundable. *