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Tai Chi & Qigong Monthly Classes

Time In The Art
Five Excellences: Poetry
February 17th, 2025
1 p.m. - 2 p.m. ET

What is your experience with Tai Chi & Qigong?

What is your experience with Tai Chi & Qigong? *

Registration Fee

Registration Deadline is 10:00 am EST on the day of the class
The Zoom link to join the class will be emailed to you the day before the class.

Donations & Membership

Tai Chi Foundation Membership -- Go to to see if your membership is up to date. You may renew there or sign up here.
Current Total:

Enrollment Agreement

I wish to enroll in one or more courses taught by personnel of the T’ai Chi Foundation (TCF). As a condition of allowing me to so enroll, I agree to the following conditions: 1. I understand that the Tai Chi/Qigong program may involve physical and non-physical exertion. I have no disability, impairment, or ailment whatsoever, whether physical or mental, which would be adversely affected by participation in the Tai Chi/Qigong program. I take responsibility for my own health/well-being in participating in these exercises. I participate at my own risk. 2. As a student of the TCF, I hereby agree not to write down, record, nor capture in any way the instructions or indications given to me in class, nor to teach this material without explicit permission by TCF, nor to claim to officially represent TCF. 3. I will not disseminate any material I am given in class that belongs to TCF without the written permission of TCF. All released materials will be properly acknowledged. 4. I assume the responsibilities and risks ordinarily associated with participation in all coursework I take with TCF. I release TCF from any liability or claim of any kind related to my involvement with TCF. 
5. I know to make sure I am working in a space that is clear of obstructions or conditions adverse to this work. 
6. I am aware that nothing in these sessions is intended as medical guidance. 
7. I hereby grant permission to TCF to take photographs or audio or video recordings of me and allow TCF to make use of such photos/recordings as it may determine. 
8. In the event that this program/course is canceled, I will receive a pro-rata refund of the tuition paid.

I agree to the terms of the Enrollment Agreement *
Please send me email newsletters and information about Tai Chi and Qigong classes. Our school uses Constant Contact to send you news of our course offerings. We need your approval to do this! TCF does not sell/distribute our mailing list to other companies, and participants always have the option to unsubscribe.

Payment Types-Credit Card, PayPal or Mail

To pay with a check by mail - fill out this form, print it, and send along with a check, cashiers check or money order made out to: made out to: Tai Chi Foundation. Send to Tai Chi Foundation, PO Box 575, New York NY 10018 If you wish to pay by mail with a credit card, please print this form and include your name as it appears on your account, street address, cc number, expiration date, and the three-digit security code and mail it to the address above.

Time in the Art is a program of The Tai Chi Foundation, Inc. 

Questions? email us at:
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