Society of Dyers and Colourists

SDC Global Colourist Award 2025

A recognition of a person’s achievements in the coloration industry within the first 10 years of their career in coloration. Open to a colourist working in any profession, where technical knowledge of colour plays a major part of that person working day. The following are given as examples, but any industry can be represented;
Textiles - Production dyers, shift dyers, laboratory dyers, Printing colourists
Dyes and Pigments
Any number of roles within these and other industries; development, application, testing, colour management, QC/ testing etc 
Nominations from
1. A supervisor/ works manager/ director - Person nominating/ referree must fill out the required form and give detailed accounts in all categories to demonstrate the nominee's skills etc. or
2. Individual nominations – require a referee - The nominee must also complete a part of the applications form to present themselves. 
Criteria for the award against which candidates will be assessed:
Enthusiasm and commitment
Performance/ competence in the job
Contribution to the team effort
General knowledge of the coloration industry
A specific project that demonstrates their ability and knowledge
Must be prepared to present the project and/ or their daily work and developments of knowledge 
Initial trawl through applications to create a shortlist
Interviews to be held remotely for all candidates irrespective of geographic location. This will be as;
A presentation by the candidate on their role and their contribution to the business and knowledge of coloration within the first 10 years as a colourist.
A question and answer session to provide the panel with opportunity to objectively assess the candidates knowledge of the subject.

Feature in Colourists for winner and company
£1000 prize sponsored by Advanced Chemical Holdings Ltd.
Fully paid visit to UK to SDC Awards Ceremony November 2025 – SDC cost


Application Form

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Nominee Details

Self Nomination? *
Nominee aware of nomination? *
Do you want to be on the SDC mailing list. *

Nominator Details/ Referees details

Do you want to be on the SDC mailing list. *

Application Details

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