Textile Coloration Science and Technology Application Form

SDC Professional Coloration Qualifications

Be recognised as a professional

Please ensure you have read the Textile Coloration - Science and Technology Propsectus and you are aware of the content and costs associated with the course before submitting your application.

The course is delivered through our Virtual Learning Environment on a part-time basis. Please ensure you meet the entry requirements.


Payment will be requested upon approval of your application.

Qualifications (Please specify the date and grade attained for each qualification in the box below) * 🛈

At the SDC we aim to meet with prospective students and their employers to ensure they fulfil the course entry requirements and start at the appropriate level. We will be in touch shortly to arrange a meeting.
Payments will be processed once the application has been approved.
If you have any further questions about the course, please contact the education team on edu@sdc.org.uk