Application for admission as a Fellow of the Society of Dyers and Colourists

Application for Fellowship of the SDC (FSDC)

Be recognised as a Professional.

Fellowship is awarded on application to those individuals who have demonstrated their distinction in the knowledge or practice of colour science or colour technology.

Ideal for:
• Those from the world of academia or industrial technology, whose contributions take the form of published papers
• Those who can demonstrate outstanding performance or distinction in other areas of coloration
• Individuals holding senior positions in disciplines such as production or technical management, engineering or marketing.

Please note all applications will be reviewed quarterly with outcomes anticipated to be communicated to applicants at the end of each fiscal quarter.

A payment is required with your application for Fellowship of the Society of Dyers and Colourists.
£80 is payable with your application, £40 is returnable in the event of a non-successful application.

Payment should be made online as part of the submission of this form.


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Save your progress and complete this form later. (optional)

10. You must provide the names, addresses and email contact details of a minimum of two referees, although it is suggested that you submit three. At least one of your referees must be a Fellow. Your referees will be contacted to complete referee's form which must be returned before the application can be considered.

Payment: All payments are in Great British Pounds. The fee is £80, of which £40 is returnable in the event of an unsuccessful application.
Invoice Details: If you require an Invoice please tick the box below. [NB you will see a payment screen at the end for £0.00.  Please just progress and an invoice will be sent to you for £80.00 to be paid before your applicatino is processed]
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Rules of the Society of Dyers and Colourists
Fellowship of the Society

6. *A Fellow shall:
(a) Be a member of the Society at the time of application for election as a Fellow, and
(b) Be an Associate of the Society or possess an appropriate university honours degree, or a qualification or achievement that demonstrates a level of knowledge and ability at least equivalent to attaining an honours degree, and
(c) Have at least ten years’ experience in a colour related occupation, which shall normally have been acquired subsequent to attaining one of the qualifications or achievements listed in (b) above, but some or all of which, if of a sufficiently high standard, may have been acquired before attaining the qualification or achievement, and
(d) Have either:
     (i) Submitted evidence of having attained distinction in a branch of industry related to colour;
     (ii) Submitted evidence of having contributed effectively to the advancement of the knowledge of colour, and
(e) have submitted his/her application for Fellowship on the official form obtainable from the Society and be sponsored by at least two appropriate business related referees, at least one of which should be a member of the Society, preferably a Fellow of the Society, and who are appropriately qualified and experienced, and
(f) Have paid the prescribed fees, and
(g) Have satisfied the Society's Board that he/she has the required status

On award a Fellow shall be entitled to use the designation FSDC.
Version 10-2016