Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program
Review Board Interest


UROP relies on volunteers like you to help ensure that all applications receive fair and informed evaluations—and that projects conform to the highest ethical standards. We encourage those interested in serving on the review board to read the information on our website and sign up here at any time. We'll contact the list in late February to confirm and provide additional instructions.

This form is for the Summer 2025 / Academic Year 2025-26 application cycle.

If you served previously but haven't signed up this year, you won't be included in communications about this year's cycle.

Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR)

Did you know that CU Boulder is an institutional
member of the Council on Undergraduate Research
(CUR) and thatmembership provides benefits to
everyone on campus? *
Did you know that CUR provides engagement and
leadership opportunities in divisions primarily
organized around disciplinary interests? *
Institutional membership assists institutions with                 
developing, supporting and sustaining their
undergraduate research efforts. Partnering
with CUR enables campus transformation, offering
tools for administrators, opportunities to showcase
and strength student achievements, and access
professional development in research and
curriculum for faculty and staff.
CUR Divisions are led by division representatives
who oversee the development of publications,
professional learning, and awards, and who
advise CUR leadership on the needs of specific
disciplines and roles within undergraduate research.
All CUR members are invited to engage with leaders
in any division, but each provides a community
focused on the division's interests.
Optional: Which CUR division(s) best describes your areas of expertise and/or interest? 🛈
Would you like to receive an email with more information about these CUR divisions? *

Undergraduate Research & Creative Engagement Community of Practice

Did you know the Boulder campus hosts a
vibrant community of practice for everyone
supporting undergraduate research & creative
engagement (staff, faculty & grad. students)? *
Would you like to receive an email with
information about the community of practice? *
Contact the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) at
urop@colorado.edu or colorado.edu/urop
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