GAPA Committee Application

Committee work is the operational foundation of the work of GAPA. Are you interested in getting involved? Do you have a background or particular set of skills you think would be helpful in advancing GAPA's mission and vision? We'd love to have you join us!  See below for descriptions of each committee accepting applications.


Application open from November 1st-31st, 2023 


CME Conference Planning Committee:

Coordinates all activities concerning medical education, conventions, conference and official business meetings on behalf of the GAPA, subject to Board approval.  Plans regular conferences subject to Board approval.

Membership Commitee:

Reports membership statistics to the Board on a regular basis.  Maintains accurate and current files of membership applications and information and supply the same information to the Board and AAPA when directed by the President.  Issues membership cards, certificates, and other membership benefits as appropriate. Conduct membership drives to increase membership as necessary.  Issue annual renewal invoices and information.  Recommend changes in membership benefits.  Shall be available to handle other membership tasks delegated by the President

2024 Fundraiser Task Force:

Organize events and campaigns to raise money and other kinds of donations for GAPA. Also, may design promotional materials and increase awareness of an GAPA's work, goals, and financial needs.

Please select the committee(s) you would like to join. *

I confirm that I am a GAPA member *
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