The 2023 SAPA Conference will accept abstracts of workforce, education, clinical, and leadership research.
All accepted abstract submissions will be featured at the 2023 Annual CME in San Antonio, TX. The application deadline is June 30th, 2023.
Important Dates:
June 30, 2023: Poster Abstract Submission Deadline
July 5, 2023: Poster Abstract Notification Disseminated
The winner will be awarded one conference registration for the 2023 conference in San Antonio, TX. No travel or meals included. All approved posters will be showcased at the conference. The presenting author should be available on the date and time the session is scheduled during the 2023 conference from August 22-25, 2022.
Preparing Your Abstract:
The abstract is a short description of your presentation and should briefly address all elements necessary to define your goals and results to the reader. It is not meant to be a complete and lengthy report of your work.
Required Submission Elements:
1.Title of Poster (50-word limit): The title should clearly and succinctly identify the contents of the abstract.
2. Authors and Affiliations: Enter each author separately and identify whether the individual is the primary author or a coauthor. Enter each name by providing the author’s name and organization.
3. Category: The following category selections will be available:
- Workforce research
- Leadership research
- Education research
- Clinical research
4. Summative Statement (20- to 25-word limit): A summative statement of no more than 25 words is required. Your summative statement should be a brief summary of your research with key points highlighted, providing a basis for discussion and interaction.
5. Abstract Text (350-word limit): Do not include your title and author information as part of the abstract body. Tables and graphics are not recommended.
6. References: 3-5 references recommended. Required to be in APA or AMA format.
Criteria for Abstract Acceptance:
Each abstract is reviewed for adherence to these content rules, significance, and presentation. The main factors considered to qualify abstracts for acceptance are as follows:
- Clarity – The objectives of the research presented are clearly described.
- Significance – The objectives of the research make a significant contribution to the NP and PA profession.
- Methods – The methods used (including the design, implementation, and analysis) are appropriate to achieving the objectives of the research.
- Presentation – The abstract is logical, interesting, clearly written, and free of grammatical or typographical errors.