2025 Pledge Form
When we flourish as a church, the community flourishes. We’re a place where people experience
healing and grace, and know they matter to God and others.
Thank you for all of your gifts and prayerful support, every gift of any size truly matters. For this upcoming year, we ask that you consider increasing your pledge or gifts by 6% or more if you are able. We ask you to give exuberantly so that the whole world may know the healing power of Christ’s love.

Pledge Details

Pledge will be fulfilled through: *
You chose scheduled giving: *
You choose set up a scheduled gift on my behalf with information on file: *
We/I authorize St. Andrew's to charge the debit/credit card or bank account information on file utilizing schedule and amount of preference. An emailed receipt to be provided upon each gift. Cancellation can be made at saintandrews.org/give or contact finance at 651.762.9101. *
We/I would like more information on the Foundation of St. Andrew‘s Lutheran Church.