Spring Travel 2025

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As parent or legal guardian of the above applicant, I hereby consent to his/her participation in any and all activities in Manhattan Athletics and agree to abide by all rules and regulations of the institution. In consideration of Manhattan Athletics accepting this registration and permitting the participation of above applicant, which I believe would be of educational, physical and other benefits; I assume all risks and hazards incidental in participation in all activities. I hereby release, discharge, indemnify and harmless Manhattan Athletics, its officials, coaches, representatives and all persons transporting my child/dependent to and from activities from any and all claims, actions and liability arising out of or in connection with my child’s participation in any aspect of Manhattan Athletics, whether or not such injury is caused by the negligence, willful conduct or other inaction of the indemnities or any of them. I certify that he/she is in good health and able to participate in all activities and in the case of emergency affecting my child, I hereby give permission for a physician or hospital designated by Manhattan Athletics to administer treatment to my child. I also understand that Manhattan Athletics has a no refund, no credit policy for any reason at any time for any programs unless Manhattan Athletics is unable to deliver the program.  A $20 Registration fee will be added to each submission.

Please note that a $50.00 processing fee will be charged for any cancellation of registration prior to the start date. We are a nut/peanut free program, please comply!
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