Marital Status
Insurance Type *
How did you hear about us?
May we thank them? *


Which area of your body are you interested in treating? *
What bothers you about your eyes?
What bothers you about your facial fullness?
What bothers you about your lower face?
What bothers you about your nose?
What bothers you about your skin?
What bothers you about your hands?
When do you wish to have your procedure? *


Do you have any of the following conditions? (Select all that apply.) *
Do you have a family or personal history of problems with anesthesia? *
Do you have an allergy to latex? *


Do you smoke tobacco? *
Do you drink alcohol? *
Do you use recreational drugs? *


COMMUNICATION: By filling out and submitting this form, you agree to have your information added to the Steffen Med Spa mailing list to receive updates and offers. You may unsubscribe from the newsletter after you receive one.
AUTHORIZATION / ASSIGNMENT: I understand that I am financially responsible for all charges, whether or not coered by my insurance company. Furthermore, I permit payment directly to Caleb Steffen, M.D. for any benefits due or services rendered.

MEDICAL RECORDS: Authorization is hereby granted for release of any information required to process this claim. A copy of this authorization is as valid as the original. Authorization is hereby granted for release of pertinent information (this may include photographs, operative notes, clinic notes, and consultation notes) to a hospital or another physician's office for appriopriate continuum of care treatment as required.

PRIVACY POLICY: I acknowledge that I have received and/or have been offered a copy of JCMG's notice of privacy practices.
By signing below, you have read the above and agree: *