Intramural Golf

We are excited to bring back intramural golf for another year! This registration form is required to attend.
Campus Life and Recreation will provide nine holes of golf and carts (subject to course limitations). Bringing your own clubs is encouraged, but Olde Salem Greens has rental clubs if you need them.
Campus Life and Recreation also provides transportation and it is required for you to arrive and depart with the group. By completing this form, you are agreeing to use the university-provided transportation.
Date: Saturday, September 28
Time: First tee time is noon
Location: Olde Salem Greens - 75 Willson St, Salem, MA 01970
If you have partners you would like to play with, please enter their names here. The event coordinator will do their best to pair players to their preferences but this is not always possible.
Please list up to three partners with their first and last names.
Do you need rental clubs? *
(7 remaining)
(1 remaining)
Transportation, nine holes of golf, and carts are included. All other costs are the responsibility of the attendee. *

I understand and agree to the following conditions:

As lawful consideration for me being permitted to participate in the travel event/program identified above, I agree to be bound by the provisions of this Travel Event/Program Participation Agreement and to satisfy all travel event/program requirements, including completion of all required forms and payment of fees as described in the payment and refund schedule. Failure to complete required forms or make required payments may result in withdrawal from the program/events.

RELEASE OF INFORMATION: I give permission to the sponsoring department/division to verify with the Judicial Office and the Office of Student Records that I am not on disciplinary or academic probation, either of which may invalidate my eligibility for the travel event/program.

PERSONAL CONDUCT: I agree to conform with all applicable rules, regulations and policies of Salem Sate University, the travel event/program and the host location. I also agree to abide by policies governing student conduct, both academic and other, as published in the Salem State Student Conduct Code. I understand that the University has the right to withdraw a traveler from the event/program at any time because of any violation of such rules or any disruptive behavior, for failure to act in conformity with instructions reasonably given by persons managing or directing the travel event/program or leading its participants, or for conduct that could bring event/program into disrepute of either the University or participants into legal jeopardy. Such decisions will be final, and no refund will be made. I will not hold the University liable for any claims incurred by reason of my failure or refusal to conform to the requirements described in this paragraph. All expenses related to termination or withdrawal will be my responsibility.

TRAVEL: I understand that I will be traveling during the event/program by various modes of transportation including, but not limited to, plane, train, bus, van, boat or foot. I acknowledge and understand that in the event I choose to leave the group, become detached from the group, fail to meet a departure by plane, bus, train, or other conveyance, or become sick or injured, I will bear all responsibility to seek out and reach the group at its next destination and will bear all added costs that I incur or cause others to incur related to my contacting and reaching, failing to contact and reach, the course/program site. I understand that I am responsible for meeting the group at the time set by group leaders, and that the group is not obligated to wait for me should I arrive late. It is in my best interest to arrive at the meeting location early.

LEGAL AND FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITIES: I understand that I must comply with the laws and appropriate cultural standards of conduct of the countries and regions I may be visiting. I agree to conduct myself in a manner that will comply with the laws of each such country and the regulations of Salem State University. If I experience legal problems in the USA or internationally, including any problems, legal or other, with any foreign nationals or government authorities of any country within which I travel as a participant in the travel event/program. I will attend to them personally with my own personal funds. Furthermore, I understand that I am solely responsible for any cost or liability incurred due to property damage or personal injury caused by my actions.

PAYMENTS AND REFUNDS: I will follow the payment plan as prescribed for the event/program (if applicable). I understand that failure to make timely payments may jeopardize my participation in the travel event/program and that Salem State University reserves the right to cancel my enrollment and participation in the travel event/program if I fail to make any required payment in a timely manner.

RESPONSIBILITY DURING FREE TIME: I understand that any activity or travel in which I choose to engage outside of the prescribed itinerary or activities of the travel event/program will be at my own expense and risk. Salem State University representatives may provide participants with information on destination and activities, but their doing so does not constitute a representation by the University concerning the suitability for any purposes or the safety of, travel to any such destination or engagement in any such activity. Salem State University does not allow any student or tour participant to rent vehicles or motorcycles while participating in a travel event/program.

FAMILY INVOLVEMENT: I am responsible for communicating travel details to my family members/significant others. Should an emergency arise, I authorize Salem State University, at its discretion, to share information regarding my health and safety with persons I have identified as emergency contacts.

USE OF PHOTOGRAPHS OR WRITTEN REPORTS: By participating in a travel event/program, I authorize reasonable use of my photographs (print and digital) and written comments by Salem State University or the event/program company. These photographs may be used for academic or co-curricular promotional reasons, including social media, in print, catalogs, flyers, posters and on the Salem State website or other venues as Salem State sees fit.

By signing this form, I agree to all terms and conditions of this document *
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