I will allow my child to be photographed and or video-recorded for the purpose of educational experiences, academic skill acquisition, print publications, media relations, vocational training or for the inclusion in his/her student file. The photographs may be displayed in the school on bulletin boards for academic achievements. My permission as stated in this release is valid for the duration of my child’s/ward’s enrollment in an The Academy for Urban Scholars school. Should I refuse to grant permission as stated in this release, I understand that my child will not be excluded from all activities in which photographs and video films are being taken. 
Parent / Guardian Initial authorizing photography / video recording *


I understand that taking the students into the community in an integral part of The Academy for Urban Solutions, I grant permission to the staff to take my child into the community for educational, vocational, and recreational activities, This may include the use of various transportation modes including but not limited to public transportation, chartered bus, or agency vehicle. I understand that notices will be sent to me regarding each scheduled activity. If there is a specific event I do not want my child to participate in I may call or write to revoke my permission. My permission as expressed in this release is valid for the duration of my child’s enrollment in The Academy for Urban Scholars.


Students who qualify for transportation with Columbus City Schools must apply for transportation at The school will offer daily (public transportation) passes to all students until they receive an assigned route. Daily passes are provided each day they are present. This pass is offered on a single round-trip basis (i.e. home to school vice versa). Students who live within two miles from school are classified as a WALKER and therefore will not qualify for transportation. Students who do not reside in the Columbus City School district will receive Daily Passes. All other transportation requests will be complete with administration. Students indicate transportation requests upon enrollment.

SUSPENSION OF BUS RIDING/TRANSPORTATION PRIVILEGES Students on a bus or other authorized vehicles are under the authority of and directly responsible to the bus/vehicle driver. The driver has the authority to enforce the established regulations for bus/vehicle conduct. Disorderly conduct or refusal to submit to the authority of the driver will be sufficient reason for refusing transportation service to any student.

A student may be suspended from school bus/vehicle riding privileges for all or part of a school year for any violation of established regulations for bus conduct and/or for conduct occurring on the bus/vehicle in violation of the Student Code of Conduct/Student Discipline Code.

Before a suspension from bus/vehicle riding privileges is imposed, the Superintendent or other designated school personnel will provide a student with notice of an intended suspension and an opportunity to appear before the Superintendent or other designated school personnel. Disciplinary suspension periods will be commensurate with the infraction(s) committed as determined by the Superintendent or designated school personnel.

Any additional guidelines regarding conduct on school buses/vehicles, as well as general information about the school transportation program will be made available to all parents and students and posted in a central location.

Homeless Students:

The School shall provide transportation services for all homeless children.

  1. Prior to enrollment students indicate if they need transportation
  2. Transportation is assigned on the first day of school
  3. When homelessness occurs after enrollment students will work with their engagement coach on all new transportation request
  4. Engagement coaches are responsible to work with the student, family engagement coordinator and community partners to ensure transportations is never a barrier that prevents the student from attending school
  5. Since homelessness may occur across school, county or State boundary lines, coordination among multiple agencies may be necessary. The School will work with appropriate State and local agencies to address transportation issues that may not be resolved by the school. The School shall provide or arrange for adequate and appropriate transportation to and from the school of origin while any disputes are being resolved.

Foster Care Students: The School shall provide transportation services for children in foster care consistent with the procedures developed by the School in collaboration with the State or local custodial agency. These requirements apply whether or not the LEA already provides transportation for children who are not in foster care.

 In order for a student in foster care to remain in his/her school of origin, when in his/her best interest, transportation services shall be provided, arranged, and funded for the duration of the child’s placement in foster care. The School’s transportation services will provide that:

  1. Children in foster care needing transportation to their schools of origin will promptly receive that transportation in a cost effective manner and in accordance with Section 475(4)(A) of the Social Security Act; and
  2. If there are additional costs incurred in providing transportation to the school of origin, the School shall provide such transportation if 1) the local custodial agency agrees to reimburse the School for the cost of such transportation; 2) the School agrees to pay for the cost; or 3) the School and the local custodial agency agree to share the cost. (ESEA 1112(c)(5) (B)).

The School will collaborate with the SEA, other LEAs, and custodial agencies to pursue possible funding sources and arrangements to deal with transportation costs. Coordination of Service

  1. Prior to enrollment students indicate if they need transportation
  2. Transportation is assigned on the first day of school
  3. When Foster Care occurs after enrollment engagement coach will work LEA on all new transportation request
  4. Engagement coaches are responsible to work with the student, family engagement coordinator and LEA to ensure transportation is never a barrier that prevents the student from attending school
  5. Since foster care placements may occur across school, county, or State boundary lines, coordination among multiple agencies may be necessary. The School will work with appropriate State and local agencies to address such placement and transportation issues that arise. The School shall provide or arrange for adequate and appropriate transportation to and from the school of origin while any disputes are being resolved. No Governing Authority policy, administrative procedure, or practice will be interpreted or applied in such a way as to inhibit the enrollment, attendance, or school success of children and youth in foster care

Confirmation Signature: I acknowledge receipt of this page and agree to the items where I have placed my initials and/or signature.

Signature of Parent/ Guardian *

1808 E. Broad St. ♦ Columbus, Ohio 43203  ♦ Phone: 614-545-9890  ♦ Fax: 614-545-9889

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