Riverton Town Days - Parade Entry Application

Parade Entry Rules & Conditions

  • There is no entry fee for Riverton residents, businesses or organizations.
  • A $20 fee will be charged for non-Riverton businesses and organizations.
  • Parade entries are limited to the first 90 entries. Space is allocated on a first come, first served basis.
  • All entry participants will need to complete a Waiver & Release of Damages form. Once / if your application has been accepted, the form will be emailed to you. All Waiver and Release of Damages forms are due by Monday, June 2.
  • No applications will be taken after the application deadline or whenever the parade is full.
  • There will be no entry judging or awards.
  • If a parade entry application is incomplete, the application will be denied.
  • Riverton City reserves the right to deny an application if it is determined to be unlawful, controversial, or otherwise considered to be inconsistent with the standards or purpose of the Riverton Town Days Parade.
  • Absolutely no water, squirt guns, or water balloons will be allowed in the parade
  • All entries must provide two walking spotters on each side of the entry (four total spotters).
  • Waiver & Release of Damages: All accepted applications will receive a confirmation email (at the email address listed on the application) on Monday, June 9, with a Zoom meeting invitation. This email will contain your parade lineup number, a map of the parade route, and line-up and check-in details.
  • Walking Entries: Walking entries must have designed routines that have constant forward movement following their entry. This will avoid large breaks in the parade.
  • Candy: Participants are allowed to throw candy, but are asked to following these guidelines: 1) Candy must be individually wrapped, 2) Those throwing candy are required to be at least 10 years old and must be on the float/vehicle, 3) Please ensure they are throwing the candy as far away from the vehicle as possible so children won't come too close to the vehicle to pick it up.
  • ATVs, Motorcycles, Golf Carts: Participants are welcome to include ATVs, motorcycles, and golf carts with their entries, but please note the following: 1) Participants must obey all laws regarding motorized vehicles (failure to do so could result in a citation from law enforcement and denial of future parade applications), 2) proper safety gear should be worn where possible, and 3) Riverton City reserves the right to deny the application of any entry, or remove any entry from the parade that is deemed to be unsafe.
  • Flyers / Promotional Items: Passing out flyers or promotional items is not allowed.
Parade Policy
Click here to access the Riverton Town Days Parade Policy.
Parade Waiver
Click here to access the Riverton Town Days Parade Waiver.
Contact us at recreation@rivertonutah.gov or 801-208-3101.
Contact Information
Are you a Riverton resident or is the business or organization you are submitting for located in Riverton? *
Entry Information
Please select the category your parade entry falls into: *
0/50 words
NOTE: If your entry description is not yet fully known, please note that in the box above and continue with the application. All finalized entry descriptions must be emailed to recreation@rivertonutah.gov on or before June 17 in a Microsoft Word or compatible format.
Does your entry include music or sound of any kind, this includes loud engines? *
Will music or sound from other entries affect your entry? *

I hereby certify with my signature that I have read and understand the Parade Entry Rules & Conditions listed above. I also certify that all information submitted on this application is correct. *