VaCPNN Membership Dues

Membership Benefits & Dues

VaCPNN strives to lead a course of excellence in cancer navigation for the community in order to remove barriers and enhance outcomes for the patient, their families, and the healthcare team through training, education, networking, and mutual support. We welcome patient navigators of all kinds to join!

Membership Benefits

  • Access to a diverse network of cancer-focused colleagues from across Virginia.
  • Invitation to quarterly meetings with presentations on key issues relating to patient navigation.
  • Access to information, state and national resources, and professional development opportunities that will help lead to success in your work.
  • Dual membership with CACV and access to all the benefits that come along with being a member of the organization.
Membership is based on a yearly basis and begins on May 1 through April 30.
Questions? Contact us at

Member Information

Are you a nurse? *
Geographic location served. Select one. *
Are you a member of AONN? *
Are you agreeable with your name, email and site of focus being shared with vetted partners for Virginia directory formulation purposes? *

Membership Dues

Please select membership. *

Billing Address

Billing Address is same as Member Address
Payment Method Preference *