Appointment Request
First name
Last name
Have you been to our clinic before
Is this a cell number
Select a service
Free consultation
Reiki (in-person session)
Distance Reiki consultation
Reiki consultation for pets
Reiki course consultation
Herbal therapy
I don't know, would like to have recommendation
Appointment date 1st choice
Time 1st choice
Appointment date 2nd choice
Time 2nd choice
Additional requests or comments
How did you find our clinic
Internet search engine
Referred by a patient of Dharma Reiki & Acupuncture clinic
Referred by my doctor
Referred by another person or source
Facebook or other social media
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By checking this box, I consent to the transmission of this form and all my information in this form electronically. I understand that Dharma Reiki & Acupuncture does not share, sell, rent, or trade any of my information in this form. I understand that this online form is serviced by Formsite and my data may be accessible by Formsite and their affiliates for the purpose of maintaining and regulating their services in accordance with their privacy policy. I understand that Dharma Reiki & Acupuncture has no control and no authority over the privacy policy and the usage of data collection of its online-service provider Formsite and any affiliates of Formsite. I understand that I have the options of requesting an appointment by phone, email, or in person.
Please be advised that your request is contingent on our availability and is pending. We'll notify you as soon as possible to confirm your appointment status. Thank you for your patience.
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