TidalHealth Volunteer Handbook Self-Test

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Please enter the correct answer for the following questions.
You may refer to the TidalHealth Volunteer Handbook to completing this test.
1. Volunteers are held to the same standards as employees regarding TidalHealth policies and procedures. Thus, the term “employee” in the TidalHealth Volunteer Handbook will also pertain to volunteers. *
2. Volunteers can enter a precaution room if the charge nurse gives permission. *
3. Volunteers are to remember that the same basic policies apply in the “virtual world” as in other work areas of TidalHealth. *
4. The TidalHealth Code of Ethical Conduct is “Do the Right Thing”. *
5. Volunteers are not allowed to give food or even water to a patient without first verifying with the patient’s nurse. *
6. Volunteers may be subject to retaliation for reporting a suspected non-compliant practice/event or quality, safety issue. *
7. To ensure HIPAA compliance, each volunteer should be alert to his/her surroundings and take the following actions: *
8. The single most important process for preventing the spread of infection is: *
9. ANYTHING that you see or hear as a result of volunteering must be held in confidence. *
10. Upon completion of this test I acknowledge that I have read and understand the information presented in the TidalHealth Volunteer Handbook. *