This release is intended to discharge in advance Taekwon US, its employees, and its staff from any and all liability arising out of my or my organization's event and its listing on the Taekwon US website. I hereby waive, release and discharge any and all claims for damages my organization may have, or which may hereafter occur to me or my organization/event, as a result of participation in said service. Furthermore, I certify that all the submitted information is accurate and true. Regardless of the reason, I do not hold liable Taekwon US, its parent company, and partner companies for any errors in the event listing. It is the hosting organization’s responsibility to monitor the event listing. If an error occurs, the hosting organization may contact Taekwon US to correct it. I also understand that any fees and/or donations are not refundable under any circumstance. All provided information may be shared with Taekwon US and parent or partner companies for promotional purposes without notice. Taekwon US and its parent company reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.