Phone: 210-200-8213/8201


Please note: The Release Form must be filled out by the first day of class or we cannot accept the student in class. Only one release form per student is required, even if the student is enrolled in multiple classes.


Please note: The Release Form must be filled out by the first day of class or we cannot accept the student in class. Only one release form per student is required, even if the student is enrolled in multiple classes.


Emergency Contact? *
Emergency Contact?
Parent/Guardian Military Affiliation *
 Active Duty MilitaryReserve or National GuardRetired MilitaryVeteranN/A
I have read and agree to uphold the guidelines for Youth Art Studios. *
UTSA captures images of Youth Art Studios for its archive and for use in publicity materials
I give permission to UTSA staff and representatives to photograph myself or my child for such purposes: *

DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION The following information is used for grants and funding which supports Youth Art Studios

Is the child Hispanic or Latino? *
No matter what you selected above, please mark the appropriate selections below to indicate what you consider the child’s race to be: *


In order to ensure the highest quality instruction for your student(s) and their classmates, we ask to be informed of any health issues your student may have. UTSA does not and will not discriminate against any student based on gender, race, national origin, ethnic origin, sex, age, religion, disability or any other status protected under federal, state or local laws
Does your student receive special services or accommodations in school? *
Does your student have any current health problems? *
Health problems *
I understand that if my child requires medical treatment while participating in Youth Art Studios, an attempt will be made to notify me. If I cannot be reached, I consent to such treatment for the child as may be deemed necessary under the circumstances, including but not limited to: X-ray examinations, surgery, and anesthesia. I understand that I am responsible for all costs and expenses for such medical treatment. *

TEENS(16 & above) | Parents, note below if your teen has permission to sign themselves out at the end of class (16 & above ONLY) or if your teen is to remain on campus to be signed out by a parent or guardian

My teen has permission to sign themselves out at the end of class. By releasing my teen, I understand they may leave the UTSA Southwest campus and will release UTSA of liability for my student *

GUARDIAN PICK-UP I grant permission for my child to be picked up by the persons listed below

I hereby release and hold harmless UTSA any officer, agent, contractor, or volunteer from any and all injuries incurred by my child in connection with my child’s departure from the campus with a guardian. *


I release, acquit, and discharge, and agree to indemnify and hold harmless, UTSA, its officers, directors, agents, employees, and contracted employees, against any claim, loss, liability, injury, damage, and expense loss or to property, which participants may, directly or indirectly, sustain or suffer as a result of my child’s participation in classes and use of UTSA Southwest grounds, equipment or gross negligence of UTSA. *
We have read and agree to uphold these guidelines for Youth Art Studios *
Signature (Parent/Guardian) *

Thank you! You've completed the registration for this course.

We look forward to having your student(s) on our campus!

Thank you! You've completed the registration for this course.

We look forward to having your student(s) on our campus!